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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

OH NO! Another Famous Couple Are Breaking Up!

After careful thought, thoughtful consideration and considerable squabbling, Kermit the Frog and moi have made the...

Posted by Miss Piggy on Tuesday, August 4, 2015


  1. I find this appalling that they are weaving this broken family drama into kids cartoon characters. Teach them early on that we are all disposable.

    On the clip I saw they were both seeing other people. Do kids really need to see this? What is the point. This is supposed to be fun for kids to watch and kids that age do not need to learn about this unnecessary drama that early in life.

    The muppets have most certainly changed.


    The only real choice is to shield your children from pop culture and discuss your beliefs with them early and often.....of course this means you need to think deeply about what you believe in. This is the major hump for most people. They dont think about anything.

  3. 4:53 couldn't have said it better. The garbage that is being posted on facebook by parents of small children really gives you an idea of how these children are being taught about life in general. So Sad.

  4. The majority of children in the US come from broken homes or single parent homes. This is the norm now. The religious folks are not happy as they are no longer the majority and their right wing religious politicians can't get elected anymore.

  5. The country was a better safer place when families were intact and people were more religious.

  6. Interspecies relationships are doomed the fail. Porcine amplexing is just a disturbing concept.


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