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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Obama’s Climate Fascism Is Another Nail In The Coffin For The U.S. Economy

Is Barack Obama trying to kill the economy on purpose?

On Sunday, we learned that Obama is imposing a nationwide 32 percent carbon dioxide emission reduction from 2005 levels by the year 2030. When it was first proposed last year, Obama’s plan called for a 30 percent reduction, but the final version is even more dramatic. The Obama administration admits that this is going to cost the U.S. economy billions of dollars a year and that electricity rates for many Americans are going to rise substantially. And what Obama is not telling us is that this plan is going to kill what is left of our coal industry and will destroy countless numbers of American jobs. The Republicans in Congress hate this plan, state governments across the country hate this plan, and thousands of business owners hate this plan. But since Barack Obama has decided that this is a good idea, he is imposing it on all of us anyway.

So how can Obama get away with doing this without congressional approval?



  1. The States do not have to comply, period. Furthermore, Congress can cancel all funding to the EPA. It's time the Republicans put up a fight and stop this idiot.

  2. Sadly, the coal miners' union supported Obama, even after be told them he intended to all but destroy the coal industry. Unions have got to stop blindly throwing their money at Democrats, and start examining each candidate on their own merit regardless of party affiliation...then holding that politician accountable for their actions, or lack thereof.


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