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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Obama Feeling ‘Feisty,’ Ready To Take On The ‘Crazies’

President Barack Obama is putting people on notice: He’s back from vacation feeling “refreshed, renewed, recharged” — and “a little feisty.”

He immediately showed his feisty side.

At a Democratic fundraiser Monday night in Nevada, Obama declared himself ready for the challenges he faces this fall in dealing with a Republican Congress that disagrees with him on the budget, energy policy, education and much more.

Obama said that as he’d ridden to the fundraiser with Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, they’d done some reminiscing and spent some time “figuring out how we are going to deal with the crazies in terms of managing some problems.”

He didn’t identify exactly who the two of them had defined as “crazies.”

But Obama spoke at length about his differences with the GOP Congress. And he lamented that “too often, our political debates are not about what’s best for the country but what’s best for the next election.”

Read more here


  1. Ready to take on the man in the mirror?

  2. I'd say the crazies are the two pictured at the beginning of the post.
    Neither one of them is wrapped very tight.

    Poster Boys for the theory that liberalism is a mental illness.

  3. It would be so great to see Trump get a chance to question Obama on some of his decisions made that are ruining this country. Trump would have Obama babbling. Obama and Reid are two of the sickest people this country has ever had to deal with. When they talk about "crazies", they need to look in the mirror. Obama did nothing but lie in his debates. He only has one agenda, and that is to ruin this country.

  4. He and Caitlyn Jenner going on a date?

  5. Pot calling kettle black ring a bell here?

  6. What is really scary is that there are so many people that still side with them.

  7. Anything! Obama says or does is not best for this country.

  8. Obama is feeling feisty, oh that means he is going to bend over and let America be screwed by a foreign government again.


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