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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Now The Real Fun Is About To Begin

This may be the most entertaining road show yet. Round and round the presidential campaign goes, and where it stops nobody knows. Even Mitt Romney is said to be thinking about jumping in again, no doubt figuring that some of Jeb’s “investors,” who are familiar indeed, may be looking for another place to place their bets.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign still gets respectful attention, but nobody’s any longer practicing what to call her if, as in a prospect ever more unlikely, she’s actually elected. Madame President? That sounds like something from a bordello, or worse, from France. Mrs. President? The feminists wouldn’t like that, because it pays homage to a husband. “Miss President” sounds like everybody’s seventh-period Latin teacher, perhaps fetching in her own way, but not much fun.

Joe Biden, everybody’s good old, slightly daffy uncle, lovable but prone to gaffes, boners and extravagant slips not only of the tongue but sometimes of the brain, like his suggestion, meant to warm the hearts of gun owners, that if you hear a varmint or a prowler in the middle of the night, the thing to do is to take your shotgun to the front porch and blast away at the night. (Hoping nobody is still up across the street is optional.)

The Republican establishment has the opposite problem. They’re having to quit laughing at Donald Trump and start taking him seriously. He keeps increasing his polling lead over the field, and where that stops nobody knows, either. He’s an “outlier,” the currently fashionable $2 word for “outsider,” but he’s not as outsiderly as he used to be.

More from Wesley Pruden here..


  1. The Slow Joe Campaign Show.

    Probably even more entertaining than the Three Stooges.

  2. Go Trump go. Crush Queen Hildabeast Clinton and King Jester Bush. They both think they deserve the seat of the presidency. Go Trump go.

  3. I hope the hospitals are prepared for an epidemic of FOOT IN MOUTH BIDEN.

  4. Let the ignorance, insensitivity and general buffoonery from crazy Uncle Joe begin, this promises to be an entertaining political campaign.

  5. The entertainment is just getting better!

  6. Biden is in his 80's he wouldn't live through one term.

  7. He's not in his 80's.


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