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Thursday, August 27, 2015

NBC's Chuck Todd Tries to Brand Fiorina As 'A Member of the Professional Political Class'

(CNSNews) - In an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday, host Chuck Todd tried to portray Republican Carly Fiorina, who has never held elective office, as "a member of the professional political class." He also took several opportunities to quote people who have called Fiorina ignorant and incompetent.

"You're running as a political outsider," Todd told Fiorina at the beginning of Sunday's interview.

"I am a political outsider," Fiorina responded.

Todd noted that over the last seven years, Fiorinia has advised Sen. John McCain; she made an unsuccessful run for the U.S. Senate in California; and she worked for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the fund-raising group for the GOP.

"That sounds like somebody who has wanted to become a member of the professional political class," Todd declared.

"No, I think it sounds like someone who believes this is a citizen government," Fiorina said. "It was always intended to be a citizen government and so citizens have to be engaged in the process of governance and politics."

Todd also asked Fiorina, who has been sharply critical of Hillary Clinton: "Do you still have great admiration and respect for Hillary Clinton?"



  1. Another example of liberal media bias. Time to wake up people. Watch carefully the difference in the types of questions asked of Democrats and Republicans by the liberal media. Todd has always, from my perspective been unable to act objective. I must give kudos to Trump for not allowing this and hope others follow in his footsteps.
    The challenging questions to Hillary are coming from conservatives and address her cover ups. "wipe my server with a cloth" Shouldn't the lady be more adept after practicing these responses?

  2. Chuck Todd is no match for Carly. All he did was make her look even smarter.

  3. I'm a conservative Republican. I wasn’t greatly impressed with Fiorina either. I think she's more the choice of the Republican elite and Fox News types.


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