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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Navy will use solar energy for 14 Navy and Marine installations

The Navy has signed on to have a 210 megawatt solar facility built at its Naval Air Station North Island, California, making it the biggest purchase of renewable energy by a federal entity, according to an Aug. 20 Navy statement.

In May 2014, the Navy and Western Area Power Administration, a division of the Environmental Protection Agency, signed an interagency agreement that allowed Western to issue a request for proposal to construct a solar power facility at the base, the statement says.

Western selected Sempra U.S. Gas & Power to install its Mesquite Solar 3 project. It will include more than 650,000 photovoltaic panels that the Navy says will provide a third of the energy that is needed to power 14 Navy and Marine Corps installations.

Construction of Mesquite Solar 3 will begin in August and Sempra expects the project to be complete by the end of 2016.



  1. People this is your tax money being squandered.
    This is an absolute prima-facia example of dumbocrat government waste and excess.
    Your grand children will be paying for this fiasco.

  2. Yes,not their money, but yours, The reason you don't do this at your house is that it is NOT cost effective.

    The reason they do it is that they are promoting a stupid agenda scam put on by our insane government idiots burning taxpayer money on a negative return investment hoping y'all will follow along.

    Try not to be an idiot.

  3. Taxpayers pay 75% of the upfront cost and electric ratepayers make up the difference.
    Please research the economics of solar.


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