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Sunday, August 02, 2015

NAACP branch challenges Confederate statue in Easton

EASTON — On Wednesday, July 29, the Talbot County NAACP branch and the Talbot County Council met in the courthouse at the NAACP’s request to discuss a statue sitting outside on the lawn.

After the shooting at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C. on June 17, in which white gunman Dylann Roof killed nine people, a debate began about Confederate icons, especially the flag. It’s been 150 years since the Civil War, but that debate has exposed tension in Talbot County over how to remember that war.

The Civil War was not fought directly in Talbot, but the slaveholding county was very much a part of the conflict. Frederick Douglass was born here, and Underground Railroad icon Harriet Tubman was born just to the south in Dorchester County. Soldiers from the county fought on both sides.



  1. Tell them to go take a hike. It's part of history.

  2. some racists are more equal than others

  3. That's what I say too, go take a hike NAACP.

  4. Looks like we are going to get to play! Can't wait till they come for my flag or charge at me. As many times as they act out ,I can rest assure they will to. It's time we stand and I will. I hope to fire the shot heard around the world.

  5. If the Confederate Statue moves then the Frederick Douglass statue has to move. I am offended by that statue. It represents nothing about my white heritage and only black heritage. Tear it down!!

  6. I agree
    If it goes then so does Douglass.
    Then that offends me too.
    Its a two way street.
    Can't have it both ways so which way do you want it?
    Slippery slope.

  7. Melt down the confederate statue and cast one of obummer. That's what will make them happy. Why is the county council holding a special meeting with them? Blacks are the chosen people, they'll get what they want.

  8. I think they should both stay.....however if they insist on taking down one they should take down the other. While we are at it anything with the name Harriet Tubman should also be removed. She was breaking the law and we don't need to teach the children that breaking the law is a good thing.

  9. It's history! You can't change it! Blacks don't want us to forget slavery. Well some of us don't want to forget the Civil War! My ancestors died fighting for their state, not because of slavery. In the day, statehood meant as much, if not more than nationality. Regardless of whether the statue represents a Union or Confederate soldier, it should not be touched. And I am appalled at the fact that they want to exhume veterans from their place of rest, and of the vandalism and destruction of graves of veterans. You hear very little about it because it's not newsworthy, but oh don't let the vandalism involve a black monument or property!

  10. They will not be satisfied until every image of a white man is erased and destroyed.

    The existence of a flag, or memorials to Civil War veterans, wasn't that big of a deal for the past 100 years or so. And it had nothing to do with the nutcase killing 9 of them, nor will it deter future nutcases from committing evil.

    Only certain "black lives matter" to them. Why aren't they mobbing the ghetto streets in Chicago or Baltmore, demanding the gang signs and symbols be banned and removed, as they are actively involved in more murders in a week than "racist whites" have murdered in cold blood the last ten years total?

  11. I'm sick of apologizing to these spoiled brats. I couldn't care less that a few of their ancestors were sold into slavery by other Africans. And don't be fooled - many blacks do NOT have ancestors who were slaves. Many whites DO have ancestors who were either indentured servants or wage slaves in the industrial north. I am anxious to co-exist with my black neighbors, however. But quit the whining and the sanctimonious crap. Quit trying to make me bend to your whims and we'll all get along a lot better.

    And if there is a counter-protest in Easton, I'll attend.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Melt down the confederate statue and cast one of obummer. That's what will make them happy. Why is the county council holding a special meeting with them? Blacks are the chosen people, they'll get what they want.

    July 30, 2015 at 2:03 PM

    Isn't it sickening that white people like this County Council caves in to the NAACP which means nothing and has no authority.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I think they should both stay.....however if they insist on taking down one they should take down the other. While we are at it anything with the name Harriet Tubman should also be removed. She was breaking the law and we don't need to teach the children that breaking the law is a good thing.

    July 30, 2015 at 2:06 PM

    I absolutely agree with you!

  14. I am sick and tired of listening to blacks whine and get their way. Grow up, get a job and work for a living.

    Mary Ashanti doesn't even work for a living. No job there!

  15. You did It to yourselves trying to be PC voting the dumocrats in. Hahaha

  16. How about disbanding the Black Panthers Obama?

  17. Tough noogies. Crawl back under your rocks fellas, where you belong.


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