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Saturday, August 29, 2015

My Neighbor the Murderer

This past Wednesday, a racist drove down I-66, a mile from our house, fleeing from the town where he had murdered two of his former colleagues in the broadcast business.

The killer’s name was Vester Flanagan. We now know that he was motivated by racial hatred and spite at having lost his job.

In 2012, he supported Obama’s reelection, even wearing an Obama pin while reporting on election day.

When he heard of the double murder, Obama blamed it on guns. He did not say that “Vester Flanagan could have been my son.”

On Wednesday afternoon, Breitbart carried a news story featuring Flanagan’s racist rants, under the headline, “RACE MURDER IN VIRGINIA: BLACK REPORTER SUSPECTED OF EXECUTING WHITE COLLEAGUES – ON LIVE TELEVISION!”

The story recounted the racist taunts and epithets contained what Flanagan called his “suicide note”: You want a race war (deleted)? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …(deleted)!!!”

On Wednesday evening, ABC’s evening news reported Flanagan’s desire for a race war, without recriminations. But in Breitbart’s report, the Leftwent bananas.

I find this reactionary response curious, and worthy of analysis.



  1. White must live with the fact that they are targets of Political correctness even though we know this is a political scheme low IQ people like this latest racist murderer will believe the media and their agenda. Be prepared to defend yourself carry a weapon legal or not.

  2. If someone really wants a Race War, then all they need to do is be white and kill their God, Obama.

  3. Vester is too old to be Obama's son,literally speaking.


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