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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Murder Investigation—UPDATE SPD PRESS RELEASE August 04, 2015


  1. Guess those other teens didn't care about the Russell kid. They know who did it, too. They'll never learn.

  2. Soooo.....no update. Spd is a joke. Is babs handing out pizzas in the hood still?

  3. but i thought Black lives matter ? guess they didn't get the memo.

  4. According to one of the young men interviewed on the news last night, the fight broke out at the memorial because someone does know something and they aren't telling.
    The question is, why then aren't the #BlackLivesMatter crowd out in full force both in person and on social media going after this person, demanding justice like they did in the high profile cases.
    This is why the #BlackLivesMatter people are nothing but a joke. The only time Black Lives Matter is when they can attach a racial agenda to it. This is why things like this are occurring. To young black men black lives don't matter because when one is murdered there is no action and barely a reaction. Unfortunately this latest victim's name will be forgotten all too soon.

  5. Look at these delmar rappers posting on youtube with guns and bricks of cocaine/ they're trying to make a name for themselvs.

  6. Damn there goes the All American City award for this year.

  7. Bree Oliver who has deleted her social media accounts


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