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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

MSP Trooper Charged In Domestic Assault

(WORTON, MD) – A Maryland state trooper has been charged with assault and suspended without pay following a physical altercation with a woman he was in a previous relationship with.

The trooper is identified as Sergeant Daniel T. Baxter, 32, of Worton, Md. He is charged with first degree assault, second degree assault, attempted second degree assault, and reckless endangerment. After processing, he will be taken before a District Court commissioner in Kent County for his initial appearance.

Early on the morning of August 2, 2015, members of the Maryland State Police were contacted by the Kent County Sheriff’s Office regarding an assault investigation that involved a trooper. Criminal investigators from the State Police Criminal Enforcement Division responded and continued the investigation.

The investigation has determined Baxter and Kelly Hurd have been estranged, but met early on the morning of August 2nd and went to Baxter’s home. A physical altercation ensued during which each is reported to have assaulted the other. During the altercation, Baxter is reported to have threatened to kill Hurd. Hurd fled the residence and went next door to Baxter’s parent’s home. Baxter reportedly followed with an unloaded shotgun and a box of shells. His father reportedly intervened at that time.

Hurd went to the Chester River Medical Center for treatment of injuries she sustained to her head and face and was later treated at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Those injuries have been documented by State Police as part of the investigation.

State Police investigators contacted the Kent County State’s Attorney’s Office regarding this investigation on August 2nd. They were referred to the Cecil County State’s Attorney’s Office, which was reviewing the investigation and making a determination regarding charges.

In the interim, State Police investigators learned Ms. Hurd obtained a warrant for Baxter that was issued last night. State Police served that warrant on Baxter today about 1:30 p.m., when he turned himself in at the Kent County Sheriff’s Office.

Baxter was suspended with pay on August 2nd, after State Police commanders were advised of his involvement in this incident. Following the charges today, Baxter was suspended without pay. He has been a member of the Maryland State Police since 2002. He was most recently assigned to the State Police Criminal Enforcement Division.

The investigation is continuing.


  1. Not another cop out his mind! I'm so glad we get to see these stories. Only on sbynews will the truth be out. Keep thinking cops can't and won't do wrong. They are all criminals. They're just usually smart enough or " trained" well enough to get away with it.

  2. 928 is out of his mind... go to bed! This officer has been charged and if the accusations are accurate then he should be held accountable! Many officers are upstanding people and remain so, even with the way they are being attacked/accused from every angle anymore.

  3. way to stereotype.

  4. Why do cops (MD & DE) repeatedly get suspended when they have criminal charges but DE magistrates who have been charged criminally continue to work without the slightest reprimand or acknowledgement that their behavior does not uphold the integrity of the judiciary and should not be permitted to continue to rule from the bench over the public's cases???
    I personally think it shows a complete lack of responsibility to the public citizens.

  5. boo hoo poor kops

  6. Cops are humans too, so quit throwing stones.

  7. Once Net Neutrality is passed, we will never be privy to this type of story again. All the news will be the biased milk toast the MSM spoons out today.

    Keep asking for the Feds to run things!

  8. waaa! he'll just end up getting another job in lw enforcement somewhere else! should be a national database of bad kops kept thus preventing them moving and committing more of their crimes against the citizenry.

  9. All this proves to me is that cops are human. Don't cast the first stone if you aren't an Angel.

  10. Just shoot him. There will be a next time. Be ready.

  11. Just shoot him. There will be a next time. Be ready.


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