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Friday, August 28, 2015

MSNBC Just Made a HUGE Announcement about Al Sharpton – WHOA!

Rev. Al Sharpton has had a long “career” of making money off of racism. He is the definition of a race hustler, and has made millions of dollars. His efforts have caused riots and deaths, while his political connections have allowed him to avoid prosecution for not paying Federal taxes.

But the left-wing MSNBC news channel just gave him bad news. Instead of a daily show in prime time, he is being moved to Sunday at 8 am. Or, as one paper put it, Sharpton is being moved “from prime time to church time.” And instead of five hours of air time, he will be reduced to one.

Clearly, MSNBC isn’t happy with Sharpton’s ratings, but are scared to death to fire this guy. Hilariously, Sharpton ran to Twitter to make it sound like the move was his decision, and a promotion!



  1. That sounds like something a guy I know named Cohee would say: gets the shaft and claims embetterment.

  2. Sunday mornings? Shouldn't the Reverend Al be in his church? Or does he really have a church?

  3. I'm glad. He's an eye sore anyway. I wish MSNBC would move Rachel Maddow and her motor mouth that just go on and on and on.

  4. Turn the channel STUPID

  5. The writing was on the wall during the Charelston shooting for Al he was ran out of town by his own kind. Appears they are catching on to his disease and are distancing themselves. he should die old and broke

  6. No need to fire him, call the US Marshals and have him arrested on tax evasion.

  7. One hour is too much time he shouldn't even be on the air at all, he should pay his taxes or go to prison--that's the ticket.


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