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Monday, August 24, 2015

More babies need treatment for drug addiction

BALTIMORE —As heroin and opiate abuse continues to grip the nation, a generation of babies are starting life as unwilling addicts and their admissions to neonatal intensive care units are increasing.

The Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital in Baltimore is one of the places babies born addicted to heroin and opiates go to essentially get off of the drugs, but usually, they must take more drugs before that happens.

"It is a tough way to come into the world," said Kay Mathias, a nurse practitioner.

Mathias spends much of her time caring for babies addicted to the methadone the mothers took while pregnant.


1 comment:

  1. Joe contact P.R.M.C. the neo unit is packed with addicted babies. The fact is Salisbury probably has more addicted babies being born per capita then Baltimore or New York.

    Why are we as a society sitting back and doing nothing. I know liberals do not want these mother arrested because they fear harm to the child on a emotional level after birth. They also fear the women will do harm to the fetus if they will come back postive for narcotics.

    I say the damage is already done. It is a law and should be enforced. Maybe our State's Attorney can shed some light as to this liberal agenda.

    These babies are born sick and at times with severe mental illness. Does this child not have rights. It is barbaric that we allow children not right to a quality life. If more women went to jail for using while pregnant I can assure you the numbers would drop. It is like calling Black on Black murders a social crime. The Liberal left makes me sick. No more excuses for law breakers and child abusers.

    Enough is enough


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