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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Mike Lash shot by gunman who knocked on door claiming to have a flat tire

An Atlanta couple have told of the terrifying moment four men pretending to have had car troubles burst into their home and robbed them at gunpoint, shooting the father-of-two in front of his children.

Mike and Whitney Lash had just returned to their house with their two young children on August 16 when the men knocked on their door.

Mr Lash answered the door, and the men said they had just moved down the street but had a flat tire and wanted to borrow a jack, but Mrs Lash felt something was amiss from the start.

'I had a feeling that it was an excuse and we were about to be robbed. Right about that moment I saw them pull the gun on Mike,' she told ABC News.



  1. Don't open the door to strangers! If you do, make sure you brought some protection to the door with you. DUH!

  2. Just how naive was this woman? Opening the door to black male strangers on their front porch, just because they knocked. I hope others that read this news item think twice about their own and their family's safety before doing what she did.

  3. I will not open the door for a stranger unless I have a 380 in my hand. Even then I speak thru the locked storm door. And don't ever let them in to use the phone. If you wish to help, get the number from them and make the call for them.

  4. Everyone carries a cell phone.

  5. I've got my .40 right beside me now
    Just because someone knocked on the door doesn't mean you have to answer it. People knock on my door constantly and I sit here posting.

  6. Stay armed 24-7 cause you never know.


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