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Monday, August 31, 2015

Men Sentenced for Conspiracy to Use Weapons of Mass Destruction

Brian Cannon, 37, Terry Peace, 47, and Cory Williamson, 29, have been sentenced for conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction in attacks against federal government agencies. The defendants planned to attack critical infrastructure while motivating militia groups in other states to rise up and join them in removing government officials who they believed had exceeded their Constitutional power.

“In this case, anti-government ideology and rhetoric morphed into dangerous extremism and led these defendants to arm themselves and travel to a meeting to pick up pipe bombs and other explosives intended for attacks,” said U.S. Attorney John Horn of the Northern District of Georgia. “The attacks planned by the defendants, while rare, posed a serious threat to not only the safety of our public servants, but also all other members of the community.”

“This case illustrates the FBI’s commitment in preventing attacks instead of responding to their aftermath,” said Special Agent in Charge J. Britt Johnson for the FBI’s Atlanta Field Office. “The convictions and now federal sentencing of these individuals on conspiracy charges again represents that the juries and courts understand this shift in the law enforcement mindset in dealing with individuals or groups that wish to bring harm to the public or those who serve the public.”

According to U.S. Attorney Horn, the charges and other information presented in court: In January and February 2014, Cannon, Peace and Williamson participated in Internet chat rooms frequented by militia members and others with a shared anti-government ideology. During the chat room conversations, Cannon, Peace and Williamson discussed starting a revolution against the federal government by conducting an attack aimed at the infrastructure supporting the Transportation Security Administration, the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Administration.



  1. Idiots, thats not a revolution. Argh.. at least Che did SOMETHING.

  2. This is a prime example of Government attempting strict control of Americans and preventing "We the People to hold the Government accountable. I see nothing about the Government stopping ISIS / Radical Islam from terror attacks or attacks against our Police. They allow it to happen and then react or do nothing. Appears a$$ backwards to me.

  3. This plays right into the propaganda the globalists have conspired to destroy this nation. The number one terror threat according to the RAND corporation and other globalist think tanks are returning veterans, constitutionalists, and Christians

  4. They should target the media that protects the criminal politicians.

  5. You don't go after them in small groups. That happens when the riots break out. Until then you stand your ground at home or at a wrongful traffic stop/arrest etc. Our bill of rights guarantees this. Grasp hold before it slips away.

  6. And Bill Ayres is a friend and confidant of Obama.

  7. This is a primer,folks. All the groups they were going after are made up to steal your rights,and fair game.They just got caught stepping out before they had enough infantry.

    Be ready to join next time, because there will be.


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