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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Jake Day Will Be The Next Mayor Of Salisbury Maryland

Considering no one filed to run against Jake Day, he will instantly be your next Mayor being unopposed. 

We want to congratulate Jake and wish him the very best over the next four years. 


  1. Just like Mike Lewis. This is absurd. Nobody should be allowed to just walk into a position like this.

    1. Well then run against him moron

  2. Joe u r the best. Man of the hour.

  3. Is Jake the first combat vet to serve as mayor?

  4. Everytime I see that face sesame street begins to play in my head.

  5. What a freaking damn shame. Handed to him on a platter.

  6. What's the problem with day? Anything is better than ireton! The only reason day was unopposed was because ireton gave his balls to Duncan.

  7. Good man for the job, good luck Mayor Day.

  8. So its his fault nobody ran against him? If you think that you could of been a better candidate, my question to you is why did step up? Its a whole lot easier to complain.

    1. Some of us are smart enough to know we can't do this job. We are also smart enough to know Day is no better than Jim. Quit saying run if you don't like it. Youll only intice more idiots that don't know what they're doing to run.

  9. Can't imagine why he , or anyone, would want to be mayor of this place

  10. This is really bad news. The "Rain Tax Twins" (Liarton and Fake Day) are the beginning of the end for da Bury.

  11. I would rather see him earn the job from the voters, however, I have to admit he will be better than Ireton. Day can't say he was elected though, so he better be ready to put his big boy pants on and do some real work. I hope he does a great job, at this point we really need it to be serious.

  12. Nothing will change because he is a Democrat. Expect more section 8 housing and welfare minorities living downtown.

  13. 5:47 - What about Barrie Tilghman?

  14. Did JT take the plunge???

  15. All I can do is shake my head.

  16. And his bf ireton will be throwing hissy fits at him if liarton makes the council.

  17. he is going to be a great mayor. Congratulations!

  18. It's the council that I'm really worried about!

    Lucky for me, I refused to live in the city when I moved here ten years ago...because of the piggyback tax.

    Good Luck Fake Day - silver spoon from day one...let's see what you can do?!

  19. He won't last 15 months before the first scandal. Watch.

  20. Way to go Jake! Best thing to happen to SBY!!!!

    1. The best thing to happen to SBY is SBYNEWS! Day is a drop from the liquidy bowels of Jim. He's no leader,never was. And he doesn't have the stones to do anything but continue Jim's legacy.

  21. Chicago Realtors PAC must be thrilled. They won't have to dump money into getting him elected this time around.

    Nothing against the man personally, but if that's what he attracts, it says a lot.

  22. Anonymous said...
    Is Jake the first combat vet to serve as mayor?

    August 18, 2015 at 4:54 PM

    Combat vet? LMFAO!! Jake Day has never seen combat and he would probably run.

    That comment was a disgrace to all combat vets.

    1. I tried to reply saying he has no combat patch...but I guess my comment wasn't liked enough?

  23. Anonymous said...
    What's the problem with day? Anything is better than ireton! The only reason day was unopposed was because ireton gave his balls to Duncan.

    August 18, 2015 at 5:11 PM

    You said the same thing about Ireton. Anything better than Barrie Tilghman. Moron!

  24. I will support him if he gets rid of Duncan and Hoppes!

  25. Jake Day is a joke! Another arrogant self promoting idiot. Salisbury continues to elect inept leaders.

  26. Does anyone have info on Day's "combat" claim. If that's more BS it should be exposed as such.

  27. He is not a combat veteran, unless you count fighting traffic on the way to the reserve center. But who's to say that he won't be called up for combat duty while he's mayor?

  28. It is a sad state of affairs when only one person wants to be the mayor of a city. What does that say about the city? What does that say about the government? Maybe it is time to absorb the city into the County governmental structure and do away with the mayor and city counsel positions altogether.

    Just a thought, I could be wrong.

  29. The reason for societies decline is because a few good men stood by and did nothing!!!!

    1. Agree. Everyone else need to shut up and deal with the new mayor of Salisbury.

  30. So Sorry Salisbury

  31. Pretty bad. The Mayor didn't want to be Mayor anymore, and only one person in all of Salisbury was willing to take the office. That must be the worst city in America to be the Mayor.

    1. Nobody wants to be mayor of Salisbury nor does day. This is just a stepping stone for day. He thinks he'll be a congressman or governor someday.

  32. I can't stand this guy. All I can think about when I see his face is the time he came into the store I was working at as a customer. He was pushy and rude. He thought he deserved to be treated better than everyone else because of who he was. He demanded to have work done immediately and threw a fit when things weren't done fast enough for him. In the end he weaseled out of paying half of his bill, claiming he had prepaid for work, but could not produce a receipt.

  33. Anonymous said...
    Is Jake the first combat vet to serve as mayor?

    August 18, 2015 at 4:54 PM

    COMBAT VET!! Damn it stop! I just spit up my coffee through my nose on that one!!

    Combat vet! LMFAO! The only combat Jake Day has seen was at the DMV trying to get his drivers license reinstated.

  34. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Just like Mike Lewis. This is absurd. Nobody should be allowed to just walk into a position like this.

    August 18, 2015 at 4:43 PM

    No Mike Lewis had several opponents in both parties. No run ran against him after that because no one has the experience that Mike does and he is well liked.

    Jake Day has zero experience and this is a lowly job. $25,000/yr. LMFAO. Who would do it for that chump change. Only a wannabe like Jake Day!

  35. Since Jake needed no special interest money to get elected we all should expect good and beneficial change to Salisbury.

  36. No special interest money needed to win should be a lot of good changes made around here.

  37. Anonymous said...
    No special interest money needed to win should be a lot of good changes made around here.

    August 23, 2015 at 11:40 AM

    Are you that much of an idiot!! He has already been bombarded by the special interest groups to get elected 2 years ago. DUH!!

    The Coastal Association of Slum Lords has already endorsed him again and given him money. Just ask Sarah Rayne.

    His big sign is already out in front of ERA Martin and Associates building at the corner of Rt. 50 and East Main Street. They have many other properties that his sign has been placed on. What's corrupt about that is that ERA Martin is only selling those properties and they don't own them and they didn't get permission from the owners.

  38. Anonymous said...
    he is going to be a great mayor. Congratulations!

    August 18, 2015 at 7:25 PM


  39. Please Debbie Campbell please run it will be landslide for you or Terry Cohen either one, you two were the only glue fighting for Salisbury and the tax payers. We need you now more than ever!

  40. Anonymous said...
    I would rather see him earn the job from the voters, however, I have to admit he will be better than Ireton. Day can't say he was elected though, so he better be ready to put his big boy pants on and do some real work. I hope he does a great job, at this point we really need it to be serious.

    August 18, 2015 at 6:11 PM

    All these stupid idiots saying Jake will be better than Ireton are the same stupid idiots that kept saying Ireton will be better than Barrie Tilghman. DOH!!

    I rest my case!!

  41. Does anyone besides me think he looks like the villian of the 1st Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downey Jr.

  42. Hahaha!! Jake Day tried to get this criminal case expunged because he knew he was going to run for office.

    Doc No./Seq No.: 22/0
    File Date: 05/01/2009Entered Date:05/04/2009
    Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1

    Document Name: Petition for Expungement

    (Copy to State's Atty. Dove with Note ..Appeal was Dism. by
    Deft 9/9/03 & papers REturned to District Court)

  43. Someone above asked why only one candidate emerged. I have my theory. With all of the negativity from the armchair anonymous bloggers, I'm sure otherwise qualified candidates stayed on the sidelines.
    Despite that, Jake showed real leadership by stepping up. He will be the best mayor salisbury ever had.
    Thank you jake for being passionate about salisbury and backing it up.

  44. Anonymous said...
    Please Debbie Campbell please run it will be landslide for you or Terry Cohen either one, you two were the only glue fighting for Salisbury and the tax payers. We need you now more than ever!

    August 23, 2015 at 12:53 PM

    It's kind of late for that isn't it!

    1. Either would be worst than than Ireland in my opinion.

  45. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Someone above asked why only one candidate emerged. I have my theory. With all of the negativity from the armchair anonymous bloggers, I'm sure otherwise qualified candidates stayed on the sidelines.
    Despite that, Jake showed real leadership by stepping up. He will be the best mayor salisbury ever had.
    Thank you jake for being passionate about salisbury and backing it up.

    August 23, 2015 at 9:20 PM

    Real leadership by stepping up? What a freaking joke this is. LMAO. Knowing you are going to run is not real leadership.

    I guess since Jim Ireton backed off of running against Jake that showed real leadership as well. What a loser you 3 are!!

  46. I really think these pro Jake Day comments are from Jake Day himself.

  47. Don't forget at election time the WRITE-IN option. Vote for the candidate of your choice, not one thrust upon you.

  48. 6:57 am
    It is real leadership to step up and offer to serve your community.
    Cowardice is hiding behind your computer and throwing stones at good people trying to do good things for their community.
    And so what if he wants to become a Senator or something? That's called aspiration. That's called ambition.
    Where I come from those are good things.
    We need more people like Jake Day.


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