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Saturday, August 08, 2015

Is Trump The Democrat ‘Wolf’ In GOP Clothing?

Trump has also donated to Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaigns and to the Clinton Foundation

When we earlier noted the change of course for the GOP as RNC Chair Riebus showed Donald Trump much love, we wondered why the sudden shift of attitude and comment on being a Republican nominee? Well, perhaps, just perhaps, there is a reason why Republican leadership is vying for Trump’s ‘support’… As WaPo reports, former president Bill Clinton had a private telephone conversation in late spring with Donald Trump as he neared a decision to run for the White House, according to associates of both men. While there are no specifics about the call, we are reminded that Trump has also donated to Hillary Clinton’s Senate campaigns and to the Clinton Foundation.

Trump, a longtime acquaintance of the Clintons, both of whom attended the businessman’s third wedding in 2005, reportedly had a private telephone conversation in late spring with former President Bill Clinton at the same time that the billionaire investor and reality-television star was nearing a decision to run for the White House, according to associates of both men. As The Washington Post reports,



  1. Yes, he is. And the moronic GOP base is eating up his schtick.

  2. so, the first thought I had was I wonder how many local "Conservatives" donated to Liberal Jim over the years?

  3. Trump is an egotistical bully that demands his way or cry cry cry. He is no conservative and be another Obama.

  4. Trump has real business experience. Obama had nothing and we belived in him. At this moment in time trump is the catalyst of change that this country needs. We need to make America great again! We need national pride not gay pride.

  5. Yes he is. Trumps end game is to split the conservative vote in order to assure Hillary the win...which will be the end of capitalism and democracy in America.

  6. I don't know what Party Trump is leaning toward and I don't really care. I just know that he is a complete and total ASS. What a total disgrace it would be to see him running the free world. I guess he does make Hillary look good though.

  7. Here we go again. You people are so freaking gullible. Why would he be?? Why would he bother?? Why would he spend all that money. Most of all why are you even believing this crap?? What a maroon.

    1. Sorry you are unable to see the chess board beyond the next move bit for those of us with a wee bit more game in the IQ arena it is obvious what his end game is. Sorry you children of a lessor God can't see it. Despite the framers belief...all men were NOT created equal.

  8. It's a chess game now?? Please. All you stink tank theorists love to spread you mythology on anyone who are dumb enough to listen. I guess it makes you feel good to diminish someone with theories. Do you even know how to play chess?

  9. Just another George Soros

  10. OH YES...lets elect a self made millionaire that is protecting his bottom line against the little people. He is brilliant at manipulating the system and filing for tax breaks and declaring bankruptcy to increase his bottom line. I love the way he speaks for America...the rich side of America. I don't really think he will ever understand that the little people that work for him think he is evil. I really don't think he would understand a single mom scrimping to put a child through high school. He would probably just laugh and call me a bimbo or what ever ugly word he is using today. OH YEAH...he has my vote.... for woman hating creep of the century.

    1. Where have you been? ?? They ALL are millionaires! !!! Republican and Democrats

  11. Look deeper, folks. The media spin is bringing up 3rd party tweets and making them Donald's, among other spin. Unless you hears it from his mouth, believe nothing.

    Trump is a winner; just face it.


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