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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I'm Really Liking Dallas

City of Dallas, Texas passed an ordinance stating that
if a driver is pulled over
by law enforcement and is not able to provide proof of
the car is towed   .
To retrieve the car after being impounded,
they must show proof of insurance
to have the car released.
This has made it easy for the City
of Dallas to remove uninsured cars.
Shortly after the "No Insurance" ordinance was passed,
the Dallas impound lots
began to fill up and were full after only nine
of the impounded cars
were driven by illegals   .
Now, not only must they provide proof
of insurance to have their car released,
they have to pay for the cost of the tow  ,
fine   , and   
for every day their
car is kept in the lot.
Guess what?
rates have gone down 
Dallas' solution gets uninsured drivers
off the road WITHOUT
making them show proof of nationality.
I wonder how the  
US Justice Department will
get around this one
* * * *   
Just brings tears to your eyes doesn't it? **
***   GO Dallas  ***


  1. Too bad Maryland doesn't do this, then who will be driving all the landscaping companies vehicles???

  2. Its like this in Delaware and many other states.

  3. The cars will never be claimed and will all go to auction. Ask any tow company.
    The illegals just buy another $500 pos and life goes on.

  4. Funny thing is that if O'Mally tried this a year or two ago people would have been up in arms about the government entending their reach too much into peoples lives.

  5. The illegals will move from TX and find idiot liberal states that they can more easily be criminals in (MD comes to mind).


  6. 8:11 missed the point entirely.

    Objective is to have all vehicles properly insured, which protects all legitimate drivers in event of accident.

    And it's a completely objective standard; no proof of coverage, you're towed and will face some costs to reclaim the car.

    But it is interesting to note with more uninsured cars off the road, accidents declined.

    Sounds like a well thought out to cull the scofflaws and protect those abiding by regulations.

  7. It would be nice if the state of Maryland would actually allow tow companies to auction these vehicles off, but they do not. The law says tow companies can only dispose of towed in vehicles to licensed dismantlers or scrap yards. The tow bill never gets paid by the actual owner of the vehicle, and it has to sit for months on end in our impound lots taking up valuable space while waiting for the police department to issue paperwork authorizing the release to the scrap yard. Then, the scrap yards only pay by weight, not on what kind of car or its condition.

    1. Then you should get all the tow companies together and send a rep (lobbyist) to Annapolis and seek to have the law changed!

  8. Funny how many people in Maryland, including some city officials and others, don't feel the need to have insurance. Get hit by one of these people sometime and see what happens. Good luck enforcing a common sense law in this state.


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