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Saturday, August 22, 2015

'If They Call It the Trump Wall, It Has to Be Beautiful'

(CNSNews) - A good time was had by all Wednesday night, as Donald Trump delivered his policy prescriptions with a dash of hilarity at his town hall meeting in New Hampshire.

On immigration, Trump talked about the wall he will build "first thing," and which he says he'll make Mexico pay for.

He said the current wall along the U.S.-Mexico border isn't a wall at all -- "It's a little fence.

"I'm talking about a wall," Trump said. "See that ceiling up there?" he asked those assembled in the large auditorium. "A little higher. You do a beautiful nice, pre-cast plank with beautiful everything -- just perfect.

"I want it to be so beautiful, because maybe some day they're going to call it the Trump wall. Maybe. So I have to make sure it's beautiful, right? I'll be very proud of that wall. If they call it the Trump wall, it has to be beautiful."


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