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Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Idaho Hunter Defends Her 'Kill' Photos

Hunter Sabrina Corgatelli, of Idaho, is defending "kill" photos she recently posted on Facebook during a legal hunt in South Africa.

Corgatelli has received a firestorm of negative attention on her social media page in the wake of the illegal killing of Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe.

Facebook user Lili Brooksby said, "Wow. Well done. You killed a harmless slow animal. You must feel very big and clever. Enough to post it on Facebook. Sociopath." Another user, Maerwynn Griffin, posted, "You're really a disgusting person, Sabrina. Just a sad, small, disgusting person."

However, not all the comments directed toward Corgatelli were negative. Facebook user Becky Dipasquale defended the female hunter, posting, "You may not like what she hunts but wow seems she has more class then you foul mouthed so called compassionate (people)."



  1. They are not "hunting" they are killing.
    How hard is it to stand in a field and kill a defenseless animal that is purposefully baited with tasty treats.
    Hunters harvest what they hunt and use the animal for food, clothing, etc.
    She is simply a killer with a gun.
    An unnecessary and useless event. It is not even a sport. Any one can kill.

  2. Why shoot a giraffe? Do people eat giraffe?

  3. 2:49 Yes, let's let them flourish so the residents there kill them for free and eat them. At least, this way, they get $$$ too.

    4:34 It's Africa... YES. And anything else you could imagine.


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