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Saturday, August 08, 2015

Huckabee: Abortion Violates ‘Unborn Child’s 5th and 14th Amendment Rights

(CNSNews) - During Thursday night’s Republican presidential debate in Cleveland, Ohio, Chris Wallace of Fox News asked former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee a question based on Wallace’s premise that favoring constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriage and abortion raise an “electability question” for Huckabee.

Huckabee countered that what he actually believes is that an unborn baby is a person from the moment of conception and that the next president should “invoke the Fifth and Fourteenth amendments” in protecting their right to due process of law and equal protection of the law.

Here is the exchange:


  1. He may rub many people the wrong way with that thinking, but he is incredibly correct.

  2. He is 1000% correct.

  3. How about one of the ten commandments "thou shall not kill", it's called murder .

  4. Politically correct !!

  5. Huckabee will be like Newt was in the last election.The smartest man in the room with the least money to continue.I hate that a lack of money dashes all hopes of becoming a president.He may hang around until Christmas but I doubt it.

  6. I thought you become a citizen of the country you were BORN in

  7. Funny that Huckabee can't use the old founding fathers argument as abortion was quite legal in those times.

  8. Actually abortion carried an extremely higher risk of death to the mother than actual childbirth "back in those times".


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