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Saturday, August 01, 2015

How schools push black students to the criminal justice system

A recent study found misbehaving white students are more likely to get medical help, while misbehaving black students are more likely to face punitive measures like arrest and suspension.

David Ramey, an assistant professor of sociology and criminology at Penn State and the author of the study published in Sociology of Education, analyzed a data set of more than 60,000 schools in more than 6,000 districts. He found schools with relatively larger minority and poor populations are more likely to implement criminalized disciplinary policies — such as suspensions, expulsions, police referrals, and arrests — and less likely to medicalize students by, for instance, connecting them to psychological or behavioral care.



  1. You left out one important detail , the NAACP did the study. That my friend is the other side of the story .

  2. Let's not mix "medical help" with psychologists' services. In fact, let's not mix "medical help" with anything other than psychiatric medicine, i.e., pharmaceutical intervention.

    Show me a good and effective school psychologist and a program to back him or her in a predominantly black attended school and I'll be amazed. These schools are true daycare establishments, with the next step in daycare being the prison system. It needs fixing. It needs a miracle.

  3. sure, let's blame everyone except their parents

  4. it's our duty to see that these inferior kids get the proper help.if you don't believe me , just ask Obama or Sharpton. their parents are not responsible , hell they don't even know who their parents are.

  5. This is probably true but the backstory and the reason is because of the lost cause "parents" the majority minority schools are stuck dealing with.

  6. In this county tens of millions are spent on programs and services for minority students. Almost every dime of grant money goes to minority (mainly African American) as well as vast amounts of state and federal money. Much spent but don't ask about the results.

  7. Just more "made up" BS...


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