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Thursday, August 20, 2015

How does Salisbury compare?

While the housing market and job opportunities continue to do poorly in Salisbury, just an hour away is one of the wealthiest small towns in America.
Where's a better place to invest in a house?


  1. I knew there was big money in Easton/Saint Michaels, just didn't realize it was THAT much big money. The houses on the waterfront are huge. Nice town but everyone is so stuck up I wouldn't want to live there.

    Maybe the busses from ECI need to start stopping there?

  2. Are they stuck up, or stuck on themselves because they have the money and know it? People like that are disgusting. Some people have money and you wouldn't know it for a minute and others have to flaunt everything.

  3. Cheney, Rumsfeld own houses there shows who the Republicans look out for with their policies. Go Haliburton!

  4. Best kept secret in Maryland.

  5. Talbot county has always been about money.

  6. Didn't Michael Jackson try to buy property in the area and the seller refused to allow it?

  7. And don't they have a tax cap?

  8. I have relatives in Easton. There are a lot of empty McMansions and abandoned houses there as well.

  9. I moved there. Less crime and I pay a lot less taxes - about $2400 a year. I have to give most of it up in the commute (gas, maintenance, time), but I still live in a great neighborhood.

  10. I go there to buy my groceries. The have a really nice Acme there. There is very little choice here in the "bury"!

  11. Whites: 68.8%
    Blacks: 17.0%
    Hispanics: 9.8%

    Easton is looking better and better.

  12. Nowhere in Maryland is better.

  13. Amen ditched the dump of a state two years ago....never looked back!!!!! Two years living in florida.....more money....much better area to live in....best move in my 50 years.....

  14. yeah but our section 8 housing is much nicer than theirs


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