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Saturday, August 01, 2015

'Housing Bubble 2' has bloomed into full magnificence

The current housing boom has Dallas solidly in its grip.

As in many cities around the US, prices are soaring, buyers are going nuts, sellers run the show, realtors are laughing all the way to the bank, and the media are having a field day.

Nationwide, the median price of existing homes, at $236,400, as the National Association of Realtors sees it, is now 2.7% higher than it was even in July 2006, the insane peak of the crazy housing bubble that blew up with such spectacular results.

Housing Bubble 2 has bloomed into full magnificence:

In many cities, the median price today is far higher, not just a little higher, than it was during the prior housing bubble, and excitement is once again palpable. Buy now, or miss out forever! A buying panic has set in.



  1. go to fannie may , if you are on welfare you will qualify for a $500,000 home , of course there is one stipulation , you must be a minority .

  2. This is the beginning of the end of home ownership forever!!

  3. Just what the current administration wants, everyone renting and dependent upon them to help keep a roof over your head!


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