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Friday, August 21, 2015

High Fructose Corn Syrup has been renamed and is now being marketed as a Natural Sweetener

Consumers are finally catching on to the fact that what we put in our mouths effects our waistline as well as our health. Since consumers have become much smarter and finally waking up to these realities, they are demanding healthier food choices. Every food company is smearing 100% natural on every box of anything regardless of whats inside the box. Now we have to know the new sneaky name to know whether or not we are consuming High Fructose Corn Syrup or not. Obviously the best way to avoid this mess is to buy from companies you really trust.



  1. Let's not forget that this is all GMO corn syrup.

  2. Idiots. Fructose comes from fruit and all other sugar producing vegetables including corn. It can be synthesized from corn(HFCS) or beets and/or fruit hence the name FRUctose. It is the over consumption of this substance that leads to problems. Just as the over consumption of anything will lead to problems. The problem is not drinking a soda(regular or diet) the problem is drinking 4 or 5 a day. If you drink more than a case of soda a week(or a case of beer) then you probably need to reevaluate your lifestyle.

    8:10 All corn is GMO, notice you don't see heritage corn like you see heritage tomatoes etc.

  3. Thanks 847, I have contended for many years that there was no such thing as an unhealthy food. (possible exception is food labeled "health food") Yes there are unhealthy diets, but this idea that there are foods so terrible that they should never be eaten is hogwash.


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