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Monday, August 24, 2015

Hidden Camera Catches Cop Force Man to Give Him Money by Threatening to Take His Car

Officer caught extorting motorist on film

A driver got a big break and a great video when a cop gave him an ultimatum—”buy these show tickets or I’ll take your car.”

The apparently hidden camera captures the Philly officer extorting the driver for cash, and incidentally helping the driver as well.

“You and your friend got any money to buy these Hero Thrill Show tickets? Support your police department? $10 each man. Either you buy these…or I take your car because it’s unregistered.”



  1. Say what you want but this is alright. Have your car towed plus tickets would run into the thousands. Got off cheap. Cone to Maryland and these cops ONLY want to ruin your life. PERIOD! !

  2. No, this is NOT okay.6:45, an inch, then a mile? It might seem friendly now, but practice, practice, practice makes for rape and plunder.

    You go there with me, once.

  3. Cop should be fired! Loss of generated funds for the state so he can sell his own agenda.

  4. At least they weren't tickets to the Policemen's Ball.


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