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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Gowdy, GOP Blast Clinton Over Emails: She's 'Out of Options'

Republicans are in an uproar after news broke that two of the classified emails found on Hillary Clinton's email server were "Top Secret."

"This information revealed by the inspector general makes it even more important that the FBI and the State Department secure these documents," Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said.

"To date, the two agencies most critical to securing this information have failed to assure the American people that they are taking the necessary steps to protect America's national security interests."

"That's a long time for top secret classified information to be held by an unauthorized person outside of an approved, secure government facility," he told NBC News.

Hillary Clinton has since told her aides to give the Justice Department the server, along with a thumb drive that contained copies of the emails, according to The New York Times

"All this means is that Hillary Clinton, in the face of FBI scrutiny, has decided she has run out of options," Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement, according to USA Today. "She knows she did something wrong and has run out of ways to cover it up."



  1. I will be flabbergasted if Hillery is finally unable to weasel out of yet one more criminal act. Any normal person would have been locked up years ago.

  2. I'm sure she will say it's a right wing conspiracy and someone else’s fault, or she might even invoke the famous "At this point what difference does it make?

  3. SHE is not normal'


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