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Monday, August 10, 2015

Fiorina Laments, No Questions on the Economy

(CNSNews.com) - "It was interesting, I really didn't get asked a lot of questions -- any questions -- on the economy," Carly Fiorina said on Friday, the morning after appearing on the debate stage in Cleveland with six other Republicans.

"I sort of threw my point of view on the economy in at one point. But I wish we'd had more time to talk about that," she told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Friday.

Host Joe Scarborough obliged her: "What do we do about this economy?"

"Three things," Fiorina responded. "One. We have to know what the engine of economic growth is. You know what it is? Small businesses, new businesses, family-owned businesses."

Fiorina said she started her career in a small real estate firm, while her husband Frank started out driving a tow-truck at a family-owned body shop.

"The truth is, most people start out the way we did. Small businesses create two-thirds of the new jobs, they employ half the people. We are crushing them. So when we crush small business, we are now destroying more than we're creating for the first time in U.S. history. We're crushing opportunity."

How are we crushing small businesses? Scarborough asked her.

"Oh, the weight of a 75,000-page tax code -- regulations that just keep pouring out of this government," she responded, moving on to her second point:

1 comment:

  1. Fox was so awful, but I don't see anyone better in the media. Maybe the debates should be moderated by people not in the media at all.


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