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Thursday, August 20, 2015

FBI: Yep, We Can Recover Data on Clinton's Server "Someone" Tried to Delete

More bad news for Hillary Clinton and her mom and pop protected server carrying top secret classified information.

We learned yesterday that the technology firm Clinton hired to host her server, again carrying top secret classified information, was stored in a bathroom closet in Colorado. Clinton had previously claimed her use of a private server was fine because it was a) set up for President Bill Clinton b) protected by the Secret Service (it wasn't). Last week we learned Clinton onceasked for a book about how to delete emails and how to make sure they "stay deleted." Over the weekend, Clinton made a terrible "joke" about how she loves SnapChat because "those messages disappear all by themselves."

But it turns out whoever tried to scrub Clinton's server didn't do a very good job. The FBI is confident agents will be able to recover at least some of the data that was "erased." When Clinton was forced to turn over her server last week, which she said in March would never happen, it was blank.



  1. I'm sure she will be able to wiggle her way out of this, just like all the other times

  2. Hope the agent doesn't go missing before they are recover the emails! It's happened before with these crooks.

  3. Hillary is screwed and it will not even feel good

  4. So when does she go to jail?

  5. 10:30 She'll be in the white house long before she ever goes to jail!

  6. I do not believe these types of stories unless I see or read it on FOX or other legitimate news sources. Gossip sites twist "news " for sensationalism. No one wants to see Hillary found guilty and not be chosen by the Dems more than me, but I will wait to hear the news on FOX.

  7. How many of you are familiar with the program named "Unformat.exe" ?? The ONLY way to completely destroy recorded computer data is to PHYSICALLY DESTROY the HARD DRIVES and MEMORY CHIPS.

    1. your HD records a hiden mirror image of all of what you do. Writing over data repeatedly will help HIDE/COVER data.

  8. I'll give you good odds that the hard drive has been replaced and the old one totally smashed...

  9. Both of them are a pair of sleazy crooks. They need to go back to Arkansas where they came from.

  10. nsa writes over data numerous times to prevent this type of recovery, learn how the government does it and you can protect yourself. she's such a fool!


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