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Monday, August 31, 2015

Election Group: 141 U.S. Counties Have More Registered Voters Than People

A public interest law firm is threatening to bring lawsuits against more than 100 counties across the United States that appear to have more registered voters than living residents.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), a law firm dedicated to election integrity based in Indiana, recently sent statutory notice letters to election officials in 141 counties putting them on notice of their discoveries. The group says if action is not taken to correct the questionable voter rolls, they will bring lawsuits against every single county on the list.

“Corrupted voter rolls provide the perfect environment for voter fraud,” said J. Christian Adams, president and general counsel of PILF. “Close elections tainted by voter fraud turned control of the United States Senate in 2009. Too much is at stake in 2016 to allow that to happen again.”

The statutory notice letters argue the counties are violating the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) and urge them to correct the issue, claiming their voter rolls contain a substantially high amount of ineligible voters. The group used federally produced data to come to their conclusions.

“Voter rolls across America have been discovered that contain substantial numbers of ineligible voters, resulting in the possible disenfranchisement of legally eligible voters via ballot dilution that threatens to subvert the nation’s electoral process,” a sample letter sent to the counties reads.
More here


  1. Somebody should tell the NAACP that it's white people who are illegally packing the voter registrations in those 141 counties. They'll be DEMANDING strict voter ID laws, and suing left and right to get all the ineligible names removed.

  2. How many that don't line-up are registered dumbocrats.....!!!???

  3. The "Zombie's" have a right to vote.

  4. Funny thing. The last time Ive voted I dont recall blacks and it was at least uppr 30s and up. No youth that I recall. Fruitland tends to be a breeze though.

  5. "According to PILF, the 141 counties targeted for their suspicious voter rolls span across 21 states and include: Michigan (24 counties), Kentucky (18), Illinois (17), Indiana (11), Alabama (10), Colorado (10), Texas (9), Nebraska (7), New Mexico (5), South Dakota (5), Kansas (4), Mississippi (4), Louisiana (3), West Virginia (3), Georgia (2), Iowa (2), Montana (2), and North Carolina (2), as well as Arizona, Missouri, and New York (1 each).

    Data provided by the group also shows that some counties have voter registration rates that exceed 150 percent."

    And, curiously, all of them Democrats.

  6. This is how Demoncrats always win close elections.


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