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Saturday, August 01, 2015

Detroit teachers livid as they go unpaid, shortchanged

DETROIT – While some teachers might complain about the size of their paycheck, Detroit Public School teachers are hardly surprised when they don’t get a check at all.

“We need something that will effectively, regularly pay the teachers what they’re owed. They do the work. They need the pay. They need it on-time, with bills to pay. All they get now is a runaround,” Detroit Federation of Teachers President Steve Conn told Click on Detroit.

Conn raised a ruckus in the media this week after some of his members were shorted hundreds of dollars in their paychecks, while others didn’t receive a pay check at all. And it’s not the first time.

The socialist union boss blames Republican Gov. Rick Snyder, of course, because Snyder has sent in emergency financial managers to divert DPS from its crash course with total financial and academic failure, though the first EFM was sent in by former Democratic Gov. Jennifer Granholm.


1 comment:

  1. Another crown jewel of democrat "leadership". Man. It hurt to use that word to describe what they do.
    Street lights don't work. Police are 9-5 and unavailable after that. Call 911 and hope SOMEONE shows up.... Teachers don't get a paycheck, but you can bet every city council member gets one every week. Citizens afraid to go outside to check the mail or cut the grass. Entire neighborhoods are ghost towns, with junk cars in the streets. Its unreal. Surreal would be a better description.
    The most ironic thing?? the stupid citizens keep voting these thieving liars into office. Over and over again.
    Can you begin to see where Democrats want to take the whole country?
    Keep cheering (or re-electing losers). Works out the same.


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