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Friday, August 28, 2015

Denver City Council Questions Opening of New Chick-fil-A Store

Plans by the restaurant chain Chick-fil-A to open a location at Denver International Airport have run into turbulence. At a meeting last week, members of the Denver City Council questioned whether the chain discriminates against gays and lesbians.

“Denver has been at the forefront of honoring gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees and their families with non-discrimination clauses and partner benefits for many of these decades,” read a statementmade by several members of the council.

“These are longstanding values Denver has held. When Denver International Airport proposed a concession with a company that had a history of funding opposition to this recognition, it was important that we as a City Council take a pause to ensure that all the policies are in place with all of the entities involved to ensure there will be no discrimination, and that benefits will be provided equally to all employees and their spouses, regardless of their sexual orientation.”

The first to raise the issue of Chick fil-A’s politics at the meeting was Robin Kniech, the council's first openly gay member. Kniech said he was most worried about a local franchise generating "corporate profits used to fund and fuel discrimination."



  1. Here we go again! This is a successful company that provides a GREAT product. This is censorship and violation of free speech. Chick Fil-a serves everyone, they do not discriminate any customer. The owners have a right to express their beliefs, and they do serve ALL customers.

  2. again funny how the gays want us to be more kinda and considerate of their needs and beliefs, yet refuse to do the same for Christians...

    Again I will state:
    You have to take rights from one person to allow the other to exercise theirs... Proof is this and other stuff going on around the world let alone this country...

  3. Honoring??
    How about instead using the word "recognizing"?
    And while you're recognizing, how about doing the same for beliefs that you might not support because of political correctness.

  4. Since when has Chick Fil-a is "a company that had a history of funding opposition to this recognition"?

    I've never heard of them "funding" anything "anti" anyone and find it hard to believe they do.

    Proof, please. Put up or shut up.

    Meanwhile, go eat a sausage.

  5. Culture war isn't just coming , it is here. Is civil war next? Christians have taken up arms in the past. The Constitution protects our right to do so for if government becomes so tyrranical, it has lost its legitimacy to govern. Are we going there? The crusades were violent and there was injustice on both sides, but they were fought for a reason. The coming war as prophesied will make the crusades look like an after-school fight that, before it became criminal and politically correct, was the way kids used to settle scores, after which they became very good friends. But like Japan and the US in WW 2, someone had to win and someone had to loose. Doesn't anyone want to win this thing?

  6. It is within the restaurant owners rights to stand against gays or be closed on Sunday. It is also within the rights of the local government to consider this when allowing this restaurant to open. There is nothing wrong with this.

  7. I work in retail; flat out the most rude and inconsidetate are Indian and muslems, especially indian muslems. So, why should I be remotely kind in return?

  8. 10:28

    I believe the owner contributed to groups that are for preserving marriage between a man and a woman. Apparently that is considered hate in these days.

    As far as I'm concerned, if they want to deny themselves delicious chicken sandwiches and the best customer service in fast food hands down, let em'.

  9. i am sure there are more places to eat in the airport hardly any company will turn away customers if their money is green as with any minority ,female,muslim, gay or any other dealing with discrimination is a way of life if you don't like the situation,move on


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