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Monday, August 24, 2015

Cops Told to Scrub National Motto From Patrol Cars

Atheists warn law-enforcement agencies to remove 'In God We Trust'

An atheist organization has dispatched letters to 17 law-enforcement agencies across a half a dozen states telling them to take the words of the national motto, “In God We Trust,” off their officers’ vehicles.

The Freedom from Religion Foundation sent the letters, protesting that the message is one of “exclusion” for people who identify as nonreligious.

“Spending taxpayer time placing religious messages on patrol cars is beyond the scope of secular government. Further, in a time when citizens nationwide are increasingly distrustful of police actions, it is frightening and politically dubious to announce to citizens that law enforcement officers rely on the judgment of a deity rather than on the judgment of the law,” said Annie Laurie Gaylor, an executive for the group.

The Alliance Defending Freedom, however, sent letters to the same agencies advising them not to worry because they have a right to display the motto.

“You recently received a letter from Freedom From Religion Foundation objecting to the decision by members of your department to display our national motto – ‘In God We Trust’ – on department vehicles,” the letters explain. “FFRF wrongly claims that it is ‘inappropriate’ for members of your team ‘to promote their religious views’ by displaying our national motto.

“We write to inform you that it does not violate the First Amendment for your team to continue displaying the national motto on department vehicles and to offer our assistance if FFRF or any other atheist group threatens your department with litigation over the use of ‘In God We Trust.’”

More here


  1. maybe those atheists that want change will end up like madeline murphy,in an unmarked grave satan didn't save her

  2. Maybe I missed something along the way, but the last time I looked the Freedom from Religion Foundation exercised no control over any police organization or anyone else for that matter. If, and I doubt this very much, any police department chose to change a motto, it would be because they chose to do so. This article is simply to blow smoke.

  3. It should have never been put on there in the first place in the 1950's.

  4. This is why we need trump to make American great again. We are caving our way of live and foundation for a small minority. Its time we say enough is enough and if they do not like in god we trust then get out of the country. We need to have pride to be an American not bending and apologizing to everyone we offend. At least it seems the Russians are doing this right.

  5. You these so called non believer organization make me sick. If someone held a gun to their head the first words outta there mouth "DEAR GOD"!!!

  6. Let us say "May God as we know HIM". Then it would not hurt them since it is how they know Him and they do not know Him.

  7. Tell those empty souls to come over and take it off themselves.
    Then, when they touch the car, empty the mag on 'em.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It should have never been put on there in the first place in the 1950's.

    August 24, 2015 at 1:13 PM

    Get out of this country you Douche Bag Traitor!!

  9. FFRF is a group of atheists headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin that likes to bully people and towns with whom they disagree.

    Their mantra is 'Separation of Church and State', and they claim that it's mandated by the First Amendment.

    They have four full-time lawyers with which to bully people who dare to exercise their first-amendment rights on public property.

    They imagine themselves to be 'enlightened'.. 'free-thinkers..'

  10. In thy brothers they trust! No need to elaborate.

  11. Shame we couldn't have stuck with the original motto our founding fathers chose. E pluribus unum (from many, one). It is a much more inclusive sentiment.

  12. Should be removed off of everything, after all we are a Godless country, lead by the great Satan.

  13. time to eliminate the Devil Worshipers....

  14. Whatever happened to the "majority rules" mantra.


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