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Sunday, August 16, 2015



  1. And so it begins, play the flip flop game.

    Who do you think would be the new council president?

  2. This could get interesting. I can't wait for his first temper tamtrum on pac14 during a council meeting.

  3. I hope he doesn't get it. I hear nothing good about him.

  4. Tell me he wont get elected ...if you idiots in smallsbury elect this buffon you get what you deserve..i already avoid it. I go to va or del to shop

  5. the saga of the city of salisbury won't end--this just puts the nail in the coffin

  6. No good worthless piece of crap.

  7. So many of us in the county rely on what is in the City of Salisbury to provide for our families. Its a real shame that the only people that will run for public office are the least qualified to run the city in a professional manner. Jake Day may be full of motivation but its to bad he has no idea how to turn things around. So I guess its SSDD with a slight shuffle of the deck. Its pathetic.

  8. With Ireton's mega ego, he won't direction or input/orders from anyone. His personality is his downfall all the time.

  9. Please correct me if I am wrong but if anyone goes unchallenged don't they automatically win? Is that the master plan?

    1. Yes most likely shanie Laura and ireton will run unopposed and Jake day for mayor. I hear everyone complaining but people aren't understanding that salisbury is a see blue city and always will be. To me district 2 will be a nice race to see and district 3 is interesting as well.

  10. 6:52 PM that would be correct however there is a deadline for a write in candidate.

  11. This is scary. Please tell me this isn't the deadline for filing for candidate.

  12. 7:47 I agree. I have lived in a lot of other places and have never experienced such a disgrace.

  13. He's trying to stay in to tie up loose ends so he and Duncan don't get indicted.

  14. Seriously look what Salisbury has to pick from to run for elections. Anyone that is decent has to work hard to pay taxes that they don't have time to mess with the City Council. There are very very few good choices out there. Look at the Council they have elected so far. Other than Tim there isn't much to speak about in the rest of the council. Maybe we can get the hoodlum from Princess Anne to move to Salisbury to run for council.

  15. If this week goes as prayer for I am out of the city limits but I will still be part of the cesspool the council of stupid has created. Wicomico County wake up and vote. Register Now and Vote

  16. If this is the best Salisbury has to offer, it is VERY SAD! Shanie needs to go, Laura needs to go and Ireton has done enough damage. I pray someone that is qualified will step up to the plate and try to turn things around. Jake the Fake thinks he has all the answers but really he is clueless! There are soooo many great people in this town that could make a difference and the citizens deserve better than those that have applied so far.

  17. People....the city of Salisbury (city limits) is becoming inhabitable because of crime and filth....what do you expect to run? Anyone with their life together and the intelligence to run for ANY kind of office would NOT be living in Salisbury's city limits.

  18. When will Mike Dunn file? He didn't move back to Salisbury just to pay city taxes, there is a motive to benefit himself. He's a snake in the grass.

  19. Aren't there any good, level headed Republicans in the city that can run.??

  20. This absolutely cannot be the best that Salisbury has to offer. We had the best on the council at one time and nobody appreciated what we had (Debbie & Terry) Now this is the kind of crap we end up with. What a sham and a shame.

  21. i heard Laura got voted out... and 8:55pm, what would they be getting indicted for? Sorry i guess im out of the loop.

  22. Who in their right mind wants to live ,work in Salisbury let alone run for office. After the last 8 years how the people in Salisbury and the people who work for the city have treated the professionals who came here to make Salisbury better. You ALL deserve what you put out. HATE!! You people hate everyone and everything and you wonder why it doesn't get better. Nobody with any brains won't come here with you back stabbing, lowlife, personal character assassination rednecks. How many people came here to help us out and you allowed the lazy employees / residents chase them away??

  23. Great. Another person that couldn't make it anywhere else. Wow this election is going to be a Hoot. What do you think Jethro?

  24. 10:06 Really? Other than Tim?
    No one with any value wants to run and have their name dragged thru the mud with lies.

    Why don't you run? Lets hear some gossip about you and your family. Lets spread lies about you and your family. That's what politics is, isn't it?

    There are a lot of GOOD choices out there but they have enough brains to stay out of politics, which is sad. Because that leaves us the the fakers, liars, and thieves.

    NO ONE in OUR government is doing it for the citizen, they are doing it for themselves and their special interests.

    1. Your so right!!! The city's employees and residents are disgraceful with the personal attacks and complete and utter LIES!!! They don't want the city to get better because if it does who will they spread lies or attack their character.

  25. only 1 candidate running in his district? why not run competitively? against somebody. we all know this is the only way he can win.

  26. Salisbury..the Detroit of Maryland.

  27. I am continuing my assault on the bury vote for me.

  28. I think a mandatory case search should be done on each individual.
    When you check out Marvin K Ames just make sure your toner is full and paper too.

  29. All of you arm chair politicians..... BE QUIET! Run for office or Shut your mouth. No one cares about what you say as you are all internet gangsters. Are you actually doing something or sitting on your couch with your lap top sharing your grandiose ideas?


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