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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Christian Refugees Get the Cold Shoulder

One of the great traditions of American foreign policy has been to protect the oppressed against those who would do them harm. Yet throughout Barack Obama's presidency, we have seen time and again how that policy has been abandoned for the sake of politics and The One's own personal aggrandizement.

The most recent example is the revelation that 28 Chaldean Christians have been sitting in a San Diego immigration detention facility while bureaucrats decide whether to let them seek asylum in America or be returned to Iraq, where Christians are facing widespread persecution under the Islamic State and an indifferent and corrupt Iraqi regime.

The Chaldean Christians hail from one of the oldest Christian communities in the world, and the more than two dozen people who now sit in a barbed wire compound in San Diego faced a perilous trek to avoid being jailed and murdered at the hand of barbarians who seek nothing less than their conversion to Islam or their death. Twelve have already been given deportation orders, though their final destination and fate remains unknown.

While illegal immigrants with horrendous criminal records run rampant on American streets committing heinous crimes that the administration and the Leftmedia try to downplay, Christians who want nothing more than the freedom to practice their faith are being detained.

“In Iraq, they only had three choices: convert to Islam, death by the sword or leave the country,” Mark Arabo, head of the Minority Humanitarian Foundation, told Fox News.



  1. And, Obama is importing Muslims as fast as he can.

  2. 98% of Mexicans are Catholic. They live in a country that is increadibly violent, not because they have a violent culture, but because of the crime organizations formed by this countries drug laws and the economic disaster caused by private American companies that privatized public utilities then drove the prices up until they were unaffordable luxuries. Yet I see so many on here cheer for Trump for painting the entire country of good hardworking humble people as criminals and savages. Guess what. It's YOU giving Christian refugees the cold shoulder.


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