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Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Calls Mount For Hillary Clinton Criminal Investigation

Critics say former secretary of state’s actions compare unfavorably to David Patreaus’

With U.S. intelligence officials scrambling to contain damage from potentially hundreds of spy agency secrets in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s private emails, questions are mounting over why the Justice Department has not yet opened a criminal investigation against the Democratic presidential front-runner for mishandling a mountain of classified information.

While some secrecy experts believe Mrs. Clinton will be able to build a strong case that material on her server was not classified at the time it was moving through her emails, others assert that what the former secretary of state did was far more egregious than the mishandling of information that saw former CIA Director David H. Petraeus sentenced to two years probation and a $100,000 fine.

“I don’t see how the Justice Department would be able to avoid at least investigating this,” said Kevin Carroll, a former CIA officer and secrecy lawyer in Washington. “What Petraeus did was really small in comparison, because there was no exposure of any information to any foreign intelligence services.”

Read more here


  1. Waiting for the Obama No-Justice Department to investigate the Hildabeast. I'm sure that will a thorough investigation since she was Obama's Secretary of State. About as good as the investigation of Eric Holder for "Fast and Furious".

  2. There are naive mistakes and then there are arrogant breaches. Hillary is not naive.

  3. I think the Obama admin is going to nail her and do away once and for all with "the clinton dynasty." You know it was someone from the admin who leaked the private server to the NY Times because the Times would never have run w/the story otherwise as they are a liberal rag.
    The Obama/Chicago machine wants first choice Biden or 2nd choice O'mally.


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