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Saturday, August 01, 2015

Calling all Patriots!!!

Calling all Patriots: VSCOA needs the help of anyone that cares for our VETERANS. There is a Veteran Outreach Conference in Cambridge MD on Saturday, August 1 at 9AM-11AM where many of the top VA officials from MD will be attending. If you can make a presence, please try and do so. NUMBERS speak VOLUMES !! If you can't attend, you can help by contacting local representatives or the VA, sharing and inviting from this event, and help locate private or corporate sponsors for VSCOA. OPEN TO PUBLIC 



  1. This really is a great group. It's already trying to rebuild after the fraudulent Jason Scaletta took advantage of the group's good natured organizer, Jerry Black. There are so many legit veterans who need the help. They won't get the help if VSCOA is not saved!!!

  2. Wish I could have been there.


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