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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costumes are not cool, says Internet

Against all odds, in the face of a sometime insensitive, uninformed public, and amid never-ending Kardashian drama, a world-class Olympic athlete recently revealed herself to be transgender. She made the cover of Vanity Fair. She got her own reality TV docu-series. She even received the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage at this year’s ESPYs.

So is it too soon for a Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume? Or perhaps the idea is terrible in any way, shape or form? Some on social media thought so, decrying the decision of some costume outlets to offer Jenner ensembles ahead of Oct. 31.

“The caitlyn jenner halloween costumes were obviously made to mock her, and frankly its not funny, its ignorant and disrespectful,” one representative Twitter comment read.



  1. Then he should have stayed in the closet. He asked for it well now he has it. He cant expect everyone to accept his freak show.

  2. Sounds fine to me! We had George Bush masks, and no one complained.

  3. Casey Anthony,George Zimmerman and this fruitcake had better not come trick or treating at my house.Freedom of expression albeit it legal is not always cool.I have the freedom not to answer the door.

  4. Halloween costumes should be scary. The only thing I find scary about Jenner is the media attention.

  5. Transgender Football player at Salisbury UniversityAugust 26, 2015 at 10:02 PM

    I want one!!!!


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