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Saturday, August 08, 2015

Bloomberg: Fox News Couldn't Kill Trump's Momentum, Made Him Stronger

A few hours before Thursday’s Fox News debate, a friend of Donald Trump’s confided to me that Trump was nervous. Not about the competition — he could handle them. No, Trump worried about Fox News, and in particular, debate moderator Megyn Kelly. She’d been hammering him all week on her show, and he was certain she was out to get him.

He had canceled a Fox News appearance on Monday night, the friend said, in order to avoid her. (Trump’s spokeswoman wouldn’t confirm or deny this.)

It turns out Trump was right. His toughest opponents Thursday night weren’t the candidates up on stage, but the Fox News moderators, who went right after him — none with more gusto than Kelly.

Kelly went straight for the jugular. "You've called women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals," she admonished Trump. "Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?"

But Trump saw her coming a mile away and cut her off. "Only Rosie O’Donnell," he barked, drawing cheers from the crowd.

When Kelly tried to point out that he had insulted more women than O’Donnell, Trump, as he would all night, steamrolled right past her. "The big problem this country has is being politically correct," Trump practically shouted, invoking conservatives’ favorite term of disdain. "I’ve been challenged by so many people and I don't frankly have time for total political correctness and to be honest with you this country doesn't have time either." The crowd went wild.



  1. News Anchors and Moderators or two different categories. Not everyone can be both. Trump the "Egotistical Bully crying or having his buddies cry for him. If he can't handle all questions then he is not the straight talker he is pretending to be. Trump is a bleeding heart liberal that is snowballing the Voters. He is doing the same thing Obama did / doing. Trump knows his wealth depends on Socialism and he would go under with Conservative regulations.

  2. If asking him to explain his comments about women is "going for the jugular," then we don't have the same definition of that phrase. That was a perfectly legitimate question. Only a man would be offended by that.

  3. Fox news = backstabbers.

  4. I've seen leaders in the polls before that never won a primary. Meaningless....

  5. First of all, Trump is not serious. What billionaire would ever take that kind of pay cut? Secondly, once he realizes how much his political incorrectness (the core of his popularity) is costing his business ventures, he will lose interest. After all, he IS a businessman.


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