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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Black Lives Matters sign vandalized in Bethesda, again

WASHINGTON — For the second time in two weeks, someone has vandalized a Bethesda congregation’s “Black Lives Matter” sign.

The word “black” was carefully cut out of a banner at River Road Unitarian Universalist Congregation, leaving only “lives matter” in view.

The new sign had been up less than a week — a similar incident happened July 29.

“We’re angry, we’re upset, we feel violated once again,” said the Rev. Louise Green. “We also feel determined that we’re not going to back down.”



  1. It's not "vandalism" if it's just a correction.

  2. Now they know how it feels.

  3. The sign in its earlier iteration was fundamentally and logically flawed. It was also inherently racist, created by those who think that a black life matters more if it has been ended by a white person. The sign has now been corrected. #stopthehate

  4. Why the focus on "Black"?

    If we're all supposed to be equal.....

  5. if the police can't clean the thugs off of the streets,why doesn't the black community rally together and start kicking butt we need more charles bronsons it would cut down the crime rate if they accepted responsibility for their child's actions and condoning it instead of letting their child die with a confrontation with police ALL LIVES MATTER let,s get off this high horse tat only black lives matter politicians are too worried about getting votes instead of taking this and immigration problems under control

  6. Why can't we have ALL LIVES MATTER that is fair to all the way we see Blacks think they are better than everyone else, if you want to end racism your going about it the wrong way. We have paid the price too long, longer than slavery lasted in this country, try just being American Citizens is that so wrong why does somebody have to be better why not equal for all.

  7. A big thumbs-up and well stated to the above six comments.

    I thought that the fundamentals of the Unitarian Unv. Fundamentalists was to be all inclusive and love and respect for all. Why is Rev.Green promoting racism and hate ?

  8. anybody else sick of things that "matter"?

  9. yes, I'm sick of the whole "matter" ordeal. What they say really doesn't matter ! You can't take a pack of angry morons seriously. I'm not a racist, but the black lives matter issue really looks like a pity party that is an evasion from the truth ! Getting a job, working for a living to support yourself and being a productive decent member of the community -- that's what matters !

  10. Louise, wrap your ultraliberal head around the fact that every life matters, not just the ones that you choose and are the cause du jour.

  11. White lives matter.

  12. Obama doesnt matter......

  13. Take the sign down, end the problem.

  14. Typical christian church. Black churches hate whites. White churches hate anyone not white. Eradicate organized religion and all hate goes away.

  15. They call themselves a "Church" and he calls himself a "Reverend"? They have the gull to say "Black" lives matter and not just "All" lives matter. What religion does that church preach. "O" must be a Muslim church since they are the ones that believe Muslims / Islams are the only people on the earth everybody else are "infidels".

  16. In a country that tolerates the murder of babes in the womb and the consequential selling of their little body parts tot he highest bidder...it would seem that "no lives matter".


  17. “We’re angry, we’re upset, we feel violated once again,” said the Rev. Louise Green. “We also feel determined that we’re not going to back down.”

    Louise clearly isn't getting the point

  18. 2:59, How come there are 'white churches' that have black members,but no 'black churches' that have or allow whites ?

  19. "Eradicate organized religion and all hate goes away."

    Um, no - don't think so. There is no one more bitter and spiteful than an avowed atheist. I don't practice any religion, but am constantly appalled by the nastiness of the 'atheist' crowd.

    1. I think you've had a very narrow experience with atheists. I find them to be, on the whole, more easygoing, generous, open minded and less prone to drama and spitefulness than churchies. That said, anyone who is "avowed" anything, is probably the type of person who is close-minded and intolerant of any other point of view. And that goes for athiests as well as thiests.

      Religion just tends to give some jerks an excuse to be jerks, that's all.

  20. Way to go. Keep the black off the sign.

  21. Sounds like a FAKE hate church to me. I know my Lord would not agree.


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