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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Biden-Warren Ticket 2016 -- Democrats' Plan B

Joe Biden had good reasons to huddle privately with Elizabeth Warren on Saturday at his official residence. The Massachusetts senator may have chosen not to run next year, but her populist rhetoric and agenda dominate the 2016 Democratic contest. Should Biden challenge Hillary Clinton for the nomination, he will need either Warren’s neutrality or her blessing.

Socialist Bernie Sanders isn’t the only candidate pounding the drums of class warfare. Hillary claims “the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top,” attacks high-level corporate salaries, and says that “we have to go beyond Dodd-Frank” in passing laws to rein in Wall Street firms. All of these themes are straight from Elizabeth Warren’s playbook and bear scant resemblance to the centrism that Bill Clinton embraced as president in the 1990s. But Warren is stoutly refusing to endorse any candidate, so far preferring to use her leverage to influence the entire Democratic field. In an interview on Friday, she told WBZ in Boston: “I don’t think anyone has been anointed.”


1 comment:

  1. Slow Joe's gonna amble into the race.

    Why else would he have his cocaine using son sign up for an Ashley Madison cheating spouse account? He's gonna try to backfill all the minority voters who voted for Obama and who will stay home with an even larger minority - disgruntled spouses and partners.

    It's a genius move, and in a candid moment Joe will readily characterize himself that way. The guy plays 3 dimensional chess!


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