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Saturday, August 08, 2015

Bernie Sanders cut short after 'Black Lives Matter' takes over rally

SEATTLE - Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders was shoved aside by several Black Lives Matter activists and eventually left a Social Security Works rally at Westlake Park without giving his speech.

Sanders was just starting to address several thousand people gathered shoulder to shoulder at Westlake Park when two women took over the microphone.

"It's about the people, it's about grassroots movements," Mara Jacqueline Willaford, Black Lives Matter member said after taking the microphone. "The biggest movement right now in the country is the Black Lives Matter movement."

Organizers couldn't persuade the two to wait and agreed to give them a few minutes, prompting boos from some in the crowd.



  1. When you refuse to acknowledge that all lives matter, when you express contempt for the very inference that white lives also matter...

    You are a racist, pathetic piece of fecal matter.

    1. When YOU and YOUR family generation after generation feel the wrath of oppression, hate and discontent just because YOUR white, then YOU will understand why Black Lives Matter. One day you will eat those words when you call use a racist, pathetic piece of fecal matter. It takes a racist to know another racist.

    2. We have already dealt with generations of hate, discontent, aggression, self-entitlement and ingratitude just because we're white. We do not care to humor it or rationalize it anymore.

      And until you start acting like anyone's life matters, including your own, as well as recognizing that black lives are equal, but not more important than white lives, then YOU will understand why ALL lives matter.

      Black doesn't mean better, or worse, and it doesn't mean SPECIAL.

      I will stand by those words, and hope someday your people learn that equality is a two way street. I could care less if you think that's "racist", it means nothing anymore.

  2. Where in the heck was security for this event. I thought presidential candidates received Secret Service protection.

  3. They should of been thrown off the stage and treated to a taste of mace.

  4. “I am disappointed that two people disrupted a rally attended by thousands at which I was invited to speak about fighting to protect Social Security and Medicare. I was especially disappointed because on criminal justice reform and the need to fight racism there is no other candidate for president who will fight harder than me."

    A bunch of Socialist punks allowed 2 black women thugs to take over an event organized and attended by thousands?? WTF!!

    And Bernie Socialist Sanders said he is the only candidate for president that will fight harder than him?? WTF!! What happened to the fight he was talking about? What a puss* I think I want someone that is going to fight for me harder than that PUNK!!

  5. Anonymous said...
    Where in the heck was security for this event. I thought presidential candidates received Secret Service protection.

    August 8, 2015 at 9:57 PM

    I was wondering where the police were? Were they to scared to call the PO PO?1`

  6. Anonymous said...
    Not candidates.

    August 8, 2015 at 10:24 PM

    Yes Candidates get SS protection when he numbers get down such as by the party endorsement.

  7. What we have here is proof of white Americans caving into the thug mentality and letting themselves get pushed around.

  8. WTF is up with that fist salute?

  9. What a racist pack of black thugs pushing around pansy white folk. LMAO at whitey who been punked.

  10. So he let to kids take his mic but he can run the U.S. ???? Vote trump.

    1. He was being polite, in face of their uncivilized and ignorant behavior. What could be do, be just as ignorant? If he held onto the mic, they would have physically wrestled him for it, then pretended he had "put his hands on" them, and fallen out on the floor, for the MSNBC photo op...you know, Evil White Man not allowing poor oppressed minorities to speak.

      They're rude, aggressive, and have no credible message whatsoever.

  11. Wonder what Donald would do?

  12. "The biggest movement right now in the country is the Black Lives Matter movement."

    No, it's not. And secondly, black lives apparently DON'T matter to black people. They kill each other like there's a reward.
    Credibility is important when arguing or promoting an issue. They have ZERO credibility.

  13. Sanders was devoured by the monster of his OWN party's creation.
    I agree the Black Lives Matter movement has zero credibility.
    In Baltimore for instance back in June when a black put a gun point blank to a black 7 year old's head, pulled the trigger and blew the child's brains out and not one word of outcry from this movement goes to show just what liars they are AND the perfect example why blacks are killing EACH other off in record numbers.


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