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Monday, August 03, 2015

Baltimore sees ANOTHER deadly weekend with 11 people shot and 2 fatalities

Fresh off its deadliest month in 43 years, Baltimore saw 11 people shot - and two of them killed - in the first two days of August.

The latest incident occurred early Sunday in northwest Baltimore, acting Police Commissioner Kevin Davis said at a news conference held to announce the creation of a multi-agency task for to deal with the upswing in homicides plaguing the city.

Davis said the Baltimore Federal Homicide Task Force, a new partnership among the police department and five federal law enforcement agencies, will go into effect Monday and operate for 60 days.

The task force will include two agents each from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the U.S. Marshals Service and the Secret Service, who will be embedded on the streets of Baltimore with the police department's homicide unit.



  1. look how good omallys gun ban is working. Its scary to think that yahoo wants to be president.

  2. Is a bunch of competing law enforcement agents working under Miss "give them room to destroy" really going to accomplish anything except confusion? The mayor and prosecutor of Baltimore need to be fired and replaced with competent leaders not motivated by politics and race to get anything positive accomplished.

  3. Looks like the toughest gun ban in the country is not equaling the safest place in the country.

  4. Doesn't seem like Salisbury is any better...

  5. 2 and 11?
    Somebody needs more practice.

    1. That's what gun control is all about,

      Better aim, better shots.

  6. The blood from all these killings is on the Mayor of Baltimore's hands. That one little order started every bit of this. And that little wannabe prosecutor who is trying to gain points and make a name for herself for charging the police officers has a little on hers too. I hope they can both sleep at night. The ones I feel sorry for are those poor little children that been killed.

  7. Keep it up Baltimore! ##!!! In a few years you ALL will be dead. Hahaha


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