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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Baltimore Police Prepare For Freddie Gray Court Dates

Baltimore police are preparing for the Freddie Gray case to begin.

Department spokesman T.J. Smith said since riots erupted following Gray's death in April, the police have received equipment and specialized training to better prepare officers for any future civil unrest.

Riots broke out in Baltimore on April 27, eight days after Gray died of a spinal injury he received while in police custody. Six officers have been criminally charged in connection with his death.



  1. I have heard from hotel folks in the County outside of Baltimore City that hotel room are preparing to be booked up with out of state media folks getting ready to film and report the massive riots and looting and burning of Baltimore City on a large scale already many rooms are being booked on large numbers for the week starting the hearings and trials so we will see. Early word is ALL Six will be released from all charges...THIS will be FUN..

  2. Wait til after football season....Maybe they should move the Ravens to the Eastern shore.

  3. I have already picked out the TV and shoes I want to grab when the riots start.

  4. Lol Not Guilty.round 2.

  5. Not one pair of work boots stolen during all that looting lol bring the trial here it would be like shooting fish in a barrel. Quite frankly I am sick of it. They started it. I have never had a racist bone in my body. I honestly say I have changed. Michelle O'Bammy is nothing but a racist and she and her husband have changed me forever.

  6. BIGGEST joke outta Baltimore.

  7. Ask any court staff person --those trials will be in the other MD counties. Only one will be heard in Bal. City, and that's not a given either.

  8. When the officers are all found not guilty there will certainly be trouble.The myor should designate the "ok to destroy zones"in advance to give business owners and residents time to arm themselves adequately.


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