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Friday, August 07, 2015

Baltimore Mayor Suspends Referral To Psych Firm Under Investigation

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has announced that the Baltimore City will immediately suspend referring any additional employees, police officers or their family members to Psychology Consultants Associated P.A., pending the outcome of ongoing investigations from the city’s law department.

Psychology Consultants Associated is being investigated by the state police for cutting corners in its mental health screenings of officers.

The Maryland State Police took action against Psychology Consultants Associated in June after an investigation showed the firm's president, psychologist Kenneth Sachs, and his employees and contractors were completing evaluations of officers' mental stability in 15 minutes instead of the 45 minutes required by the state contract, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press.



  1. How about SPD where if you speak out against wrong doing they have you evaluated and found unfit for duty.

  2. No cop is unfit for duty as long as he or she is going to shoot and beat criminals, we need tougher cops and stop filming them beating up criminals. It is part of the job. If Salisbury had some good cops like this we might have less crime.

  3. 10:05...MSP does the same thing. If they want you out...you are out.


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