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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Bad Sign: Rule 48 Invoked, Dow and S&P Halted

Trading halts similar to what China implemented

Rule 48 allows designated market makers on the NYSE to refrain from disseminating price indications ahead of the opening bell. The procedure makes it easier and faster to open stocks on days when trading could be perilous.

The so-called “flash-crash” of 2010 prompted a Rule 48 switch from the Dow to the S&P 500.

“It was set up for situations like this,” said Art Hogan, chief market strategist at Wunderich Securities, told CNBC.



  1. We don't want any super wealthy big guns to lose too much....the stock market is not an investment --- its a bet, with risks.
    These same people bankrupted middle class America and then had the absolute gall to ask for ( and get, from the people's representatives!!) BILLIONS in "bail-outs".
    Your "representatives" (your guy, too) would rather take a bribe than your phone call. And they laugh when they are called "representatives". They are more like the Mafia, taking their cut and hanging "we, the people" out to dry (or work til we're dead).
    Hang them.
    At the beginning or the end of the next revolution. It doesn't matter as long as they all hang. On TV.
    Keep cheering.

  2. 1:31 couldn't agree with you more.Just hard to believe idiots out here don't see it.


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