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Monday, August 03, 2015

Back In The Day...


  1. My set was called The Book of Knowledge. They were great. Not only had everything packed in them; science, history, geography. literature, biograpies but also a children's story section in each book.

  2. If anybody recalls,an encyclopedia salesman came knocking at least yearly if not more often.Every 5 years my father bought a new A to Z set of World Book encyclopedias.Each subsequent year a Year Book would follow.I could locate information almost as fast as I can now Google it.$200 a set in 1960 if I'm not mistaken.

  3. The salesman in the 1970,s around here was named Mr Yokus .He went door to door selling world book and child craft encyclopedias.I still have them Came in handy in the 70,s doing book reports and essays by hand. Man what a much slower and simple time


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