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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Awareness Campaign Launch To Spread Word On Opioid Crisis; Survey Finds 7% Of Seniors Have Tried Heroin

SNOW HILL – A new public awareness campaign is designed to target the growing number of opioid users in Worcester County.

This week local health and law enforcement officials joined together to launch the “Decisions Matter” opioid awareness campaign. The effort includes television commercials, billboards and radio ads stressing the importance of good decision making.

“It has a two-pronged approach,” Worcester County Health Officer Debbie Goeller said. “One is to encourage adults to secure medication. Second is to inform young people about the loss of freedom to make choices about their life once they become dependent on substances.”

The campaign was launched by the Opioid Awareness Task Force, a subcommittee of the Worcester County Drug and Alcohol Council. The council, according to chairman Doug Dods, has been meeting since the 1980s to address concerns about local drug and alcohol abuse. In recent years, its primary concern has been the increase in opioid misuse. Both prescription opioids — drugs like oxycodone — and illegal opioids — heroin — are being abused in Worcester County.



  1. Yeah, it's the seniors that are the problem and are the dealers. Mostly the ones in Hospice care. Those bastions! Dealing heroin from their deathbeds is the major thing for the DEA to go after here, not the Mexican drug cartels, who are busy keeping our millions of DEA agents employed and with full health benefits...

  2. The government is now trying to turn us against our own families.

    80% of billboards are paid for by the government or nonprofits that they support. This, the liberal media, too many social programs and the mis-education of our youth are destroying society.

  3. Uhh, me thinks you missed the point. Seniors = high school seniors = teenagers.

  4. Really, 832? are you really that stupid? OMG!

  5. Are you listening, Laura Mitchell?


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