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Friday, August 28, 2015

ACLU Aims To Destroy Nevada School Choice Law

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit in Nevada on Thursday, seeking to undo what is currently the most far-reaching school choice law in the country.

Nevada’s program, passed and signed into law earlier this summer, creates what is essentially a universal school voucher program. Any family with a child currently in public schools is eligible to claim a voucher worth approximately $5,000 a year to pay for private school tuition, supplies or tutoring. The program is more expansive than those in other states, which typically limit vouchers to low-income families or children with special needs. Already, almost 3,000 families have applied to participate in the program, set to begin Jan,. 1.

The ACLU’s Nevada branch says the voucher program is unconstitutional, though, because it will lead to state funds being given to religiously-affiliated private schools. 



  1. Allowing parents the free choice of where parents wish to spend their school tax money in no way having Congress make any law establishing any religion. The vouchers are given to the parents. Where they spend them is not the government's choice or mandate.

  2. Competition is the only waybto break the very back of the tax dollar sucking teachers union. How many parents would send their children to a different school if the voucher program came to Wicomico County? Let's see, sex Ed condom and abortion on demand government indoctrination center, or a christian school where christian values are taught. I can see the evil teachers union aka nambla/rainbow pride inc. Gnashing their teeth.

  3. Your right, 4:32. Wicomico's education palaces they newly built would become ghost towns! One student per teacher! No wonder there's a panic about doing what's right!

  4. so as I have been saying on this blog for years!! are you already school vouchers!!! They will clean up the corruption and the WASTE of the BOE. It puts the power back into the hands of me and you as to what they do with OUR educational tax dollars. Not the fed state or unions.


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