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Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A Liberal Dose of Propaganda

Activists secrete their message into school curricula

Like a swarm of bees, back-to-school advertisements sting vacationing kids with the reminder that the first day of school is around the corner. And now given swarms of politically connected activists, parents also have something to fear with the starting of school: “progressive” agendas overrunning academic curriculums.

Schools are expected to be institutions for teaching math, science, reading and writing. But activists see them as another venue to peddle their platforms on labor unions, animal liberation, vegan diets and leftist environmental policy.

Last month, Big Labor had a huge win. After several failed attempts, Connecticut unions pushed a bill through the state’s legislature that directs public schools to provide curriculum on labor history and law, organized labor and collective bargaining — to be taught by unionized teachers, of course.

The bill likely passed due to its phony provision to include “the history of economics of free market capitalism and entrepreneurialism.” Despite this feigned attempt at balance, the law will no doubt produce corrupted curriculum. Evidence comes from Delaware, where a task force made entirely of labor bosses ensures the “fair and balanced instruction” of mandated union propaganda.

But the king of labor education is still California. In 2012, the Golden State, which has mandated labor education in public schools for more than a decade, expanded their existing week of labor education — the entire month of May is now “Labor History Month.”

There is no limit to the type of fringe propaganda that can creep into kids’ heads and hands. For those familiar with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ (PETA) stripper stunts, it should come as no surprise that the material provided for kids often contains graphically violent, sexual and just plain grotesque. One comic book is titled, “Your Mommy Kills Animals.”

More here


  1. I can just imagine the conversations, "now Johnny and Susie you know you don't have to be a boy and a girl, you can be whatever you want to be or you can be gay, after all that is just so wonderful. And you need to be more politically correct than your parents were, after all if they acted correctly you both should have been aborted, you know that's Mommy's right and she could have helped stop overpopulation and global warming. Oh well sense you're here because of their mistake at least we can shape you into good little socialist world citizens".

  2. Good Lord you are a paranoid bunch and totally obsessed with the sexual lives of other people. No one else seems to talk about this but the rampant right.

  3. 3:19 Wrong, lots of people are talking about the moral decline of the country and are ready to do whatever is necessary to reverse it. GO TRUMP!!

  4. 3:19

    Paranoid? I'm surprised you can even spell paranoid.

    I don't think a public institution should be in the business of "educating" kids about sex.

    Seems like you're a flaming hypocrite, but then again, most of could tell by your ridiculous post anyway.

  5. I see they already got to you 3:19! Off with those dam Christain heads I suppose is your solution? Still cheering for the evil rainbow team? Hey Wake up! The indoctrination is everywhere, schools TV , Government, churches. It all goes against the grain of the constitution, Gods law and nature and not just sex. That's just one piece of the rainbows evil agenda

  6. Yeah, one day we'll all be living in identical cheap gray uniforms under a rainbow flag.


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