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Tuesday, August 18, 2015



  1. This election cycle is like a toilet bowl and a who's who of losers. Makes me wonder why Josh Hastings didn't run? He knows Salisbury is no longer the armpit of Maryland, it has become the crotch of Maryland 'cause things sure do stink around here. Glad I'm just renting because as soon as I find a better job my family is out of this town.

    1. I sold my home in the bury before obama implanted the poor thugs there.

  2. I absolutely hate Salisbury, just so wish I could get out of here.

  3. No surprise the Queen of Not-So-Civil-After-All (Laura Mitchell) is the ONLY council member running unopposed. She wanted Boy Mayor to protect her seat. She will get the long coveted president's seat she pounded the press conference table for within her first few months in office. Joe, you were there, remember?

    People ought to get together and write some better person in with a unified effort. Wouldn't it be funny if she lost to a write-in?

  4. 12:29 How in the world is Day protecting her seat. Republicans in her district are too lazy to challenge her, same with the Day. Where are all the big talkers?

  5. If Ireton gets elected, somebody better give Mitchell some tissues to cry in because she thinks she's entitled to the city council president position. She will find out what kind of friend Ireton is, she'll be lucky if she remains city council vice president. Smart voters know to vote all incumbents out of office, they have accomplished nothing. We only hear how great downtown is doing, while the rest of the city is dangerous, broke down and falling apart. Salisbury is the crime capitol of Delmarva, crime capitol this side of the Chesapeake Bay. The next closest crime capitol is Baltimore.

  6. Who even wants the position with all the problems in this area? The job also pays chicken feed, not even worth the headaches.


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